Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Little Miss Chaye

Chaye was invited to go see High School Musical 3 with Kaelyn and Alyssa at the movie theater.... without mom or dad.... and she loved it! Thank you , Kaelyn, for inviting her. We hope you had a great 4th birthday in Madera!
On the way to the movies....
At the movie theater....

Chaye's primary teacher gets to hear lots of funny things during class, because as we all know, Sunbeams have a lot to say. Here's her blog post about last Sunday's class.

"My sunbeams are always saying and doing the silliest things. Here are today's funnies:

1. Alyssa said the opening prayer. She prayed that the lesson would go by quickly, so that we could then play games and have fun.

2. I was teaching about Christ on the fishing boat in the Sea of Galilee when the storm came and he calmed the water--you know the one. When I mentioned "boat" and "storm", one of my little ones chimed in, "Oh, that's what happened in 'Ariel', too!!"

3. I showed the children a picture of the Christus--the one on Temple Square. "Who is this?" I asked them. One child exclaimed, "Liberty!". No it's not the Statue of Liberty, but good guess. Any other guesses?...

4. Chaye was trying very hard to write her name. She couldn't get it just right--she wrote down an A and a Y and an E. Another child in the class wanted to be helpful so she wrote down a few more letters on Chaye's paper--another A and an H.This made Chaye very upset. She said, "I already had an A. My name doesn't have two A's.!Now it spells DUMB!"

I love teaching Sunbeams! They sure know how to entertain me."

Chaye really likes you, Sister Hyer..... keep up the good work! It takes a very special person to be with a whole bunch of 4- & 5-year olds each Sunday. You are an angel!